Mutual Exchange (MEx) Connections
Track and manage mutual exchanges more efficiently
Our new Mutual Exchange portal has been developed with House Exchange, UK’s leading not-for-profit mutual exchange system.
Why choose MEx Connections?
Beyond minimising the administrative burden involved in overseeing the entire Mutual Exchange process, you can:
Track data at your fingertips
Replace Excel spreadsheets to monitor all your ongoing mutual exchange transactions in one place and with real-time status.
Progress tenancy checks quicker
Through a dedicated assessment area, you can carry out all the tenancy checks needed to process your mutual exchange transactions.
Communicate with tenants instantly
Send emails, messages or letters directly from the MEx Connections back-office and implement a better communication channel with tenants.
Hit target timeframes
MEx Connections’ region countdown indicators will help you stay on track with all your transactions and hit target timeframes.